Mabel Olimo: “We all have that one dream that keeps us awake at night”

No number of blog articles would ever be enough to describe how happy and proud we are to have such a diverse, multi-cultural and talented team. Today, we would like to dedicate this post to Mabel Olimo – a valuable member of our Customer Care team, whose amazing spirit and positive attitude shapes the very nature of Fintiba. Mabel has been at Fintiba from very early on and we are delighted to see her grow and work towards her personal mission and dreams. Being an international student herself, Mabel has recently published a book on the specifics of the African economy. From the very bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on graduating from Frankfurt School of Finance with such an impressive and insightful thesis work. Read more about it in Mabel’s article below.

We all have that one dream that keeps us awake at night, makes us turn in bed and almost robs our sleep.

Is that the cost of having a dream? Oh yes, fortunately it is! I have for so long been interested in the developing world´s economic performance, specifically the Sub-Saharan African region, part of it being that it is my home and it is one of the regions with the lowest economic and human development index in the world.
So, dear dream, what exactly are you, how do I present you to the world in four words? … Equal Economic & Human development.

Don’t you think everyone deserves to live a comfortable life?

I dream of a united world, where everyone can access healthcare, clean water, zero hunger cases and a safe environment that promotes creativity and innovation. My dream may seem too big to be conquered in only one life time, that is why I have pledged to do what I can, to pave the way for the dreamers behind me, to lift the burner as high as I can and pass it on gracefully when the right time comes.

My first little step was publishing our thesis on Institutions, Colonization & Ethnic fractionalization on the African economy. This book highlights how these factors have either contributed positively or negatively to the African economy. This has further jogged my mind and sparked more ideas on how to solve underlying problems, how to go about this dream and bring a greater part of it to fruition.

This book is dedicated to everyone out there who has a dream that will not let them rest, I dare you to take a leap of faith and just start!

90% of proceeds from my side will go towards supporting the education of girls in Kenya, supporting my dream, to see every single little girl get quality education!

And with all said, don’t ever forget that every dreamer needs a support system, and what a blessing to have had the Fintiba family cheering me through the whole process? Who would not love to work for a company that feels just like home? Oh! This is another dream came true for me! #fintiba #feelslikehome

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